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Old Tired and Searching

Having never picked up a barbell before my 40th birthday, I don't always get the training right; or maybe I do, I don't really know. I have been reading and studying Rippatoe, Wendler, Simmons and so on. All of that is a ton of info and they have some really great programs. So, I'm told. I don't always follow the programs, but I try to understand what and why they do what they do. I don't think they address often enough the 40 year old guys and women who are, like me, just getting started.

At any rate, I'm exhausted. I live on coffee and probably too many diet sodas, if 2 or 3 a week is too many. I try to eat well, but in my household it's just me that's trying to eat with training in mind. So, it's difficult sometimes between work and home and the million other things I do. Honestly, I do everything but paint. I write, I book shows for my band, I play shows for my band, I work at the local gym, I train newcomers at the local gym, I recently left a part time job at the local coffee shop because I just didn't have the time. So, when I say busy, I fucking mean busy. Life. It happens.

I probably don't eat enough, if I had to analyze everything. I try to eat between 2500 and 3000 calories a day, but with training and all the other running around I do, I sometimes think that maybe I should be eating A LOT more than that. 20% body fat last training cycle. I'm about to end an 8 week cycle soon. Which might be part of the problem. Running training a little long, but I will be training for an APF meet in December and I'm giving myself 10 weeks of brutal training to get ready for that.

Currently, I'm doing a modified "cube". So, week one I do heavy squats on Wednesday and Thursday. Monday and Saturday is dynamic work for shoulders and deadlift. Week 2 is heavy shoulder work on Monday and Heavy deadlift on Saturday and dynamic work on Wednesday and Thursday. The reason I started this method was because lifting heavy every damn day at the gym was taking a toll. No joint pain or anything, but once again, I was exhausted. So, if I'm exhausted anyway, I may as well go balls out.

Sleep? I don't do much of that. I try. I do, but I average 5 hours a night. 6 hours on a good day. I can try to stay in bed for longer and be in and out of sleep for another hour or so, but when I do that I feel worse than if I just get up after 5 hours. So, yes, that's probably part of my issue.

Another aspect of training that I have been overlooking is conditioning and...dare I admit it....some type of cardio....ugh. However,  I think if I get some HIIT training in there a couple times a week that maybe, just maybe I won't be so damn tired. Well, that starts next week as well. You have to do some of the things you hate I suppose. I'm tired, but I can't NOT lift. So, I'm still searching for that happy medium. The younger guys at the gym call me "old man", but I'm still keeping pace.

Powerlifting for 1 year.
Bench 1 RM - 265
Squat 1 RM - 415
Deadlift 1 RM - 435
