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First Meet at 40

So, this week I began a 10 week peak training schedule for an APF meet in December, my first. The program I have given myself is based on a program designed by champion power lifter Ed Coan. It is pretty much the same as Coan's, but with a few minor changes, mostly with the accessory work. The program has me lifting five days a week. I have added two days of running on top of that schedule. So, far this week I'm feeling better, stronger and more invigorated than I have in some time.

I had mentioned in earlier blog posts that I have been exhausted and just constantly feeling run down. Well, this week I have upped my calorie intake to between 3000 and 3500 calories, depending on the training for the day. My macros are 40/40/20 (p/c/f). My body fat percentage is roughly 21%, which isn't terrible, but could obviously use improvement. As I mentioned earlier I haven't been feeling run down. I attribute this partly to the new diet regimen, but I'm sure it as a lot to do with the fact that following the current training schedule, I'm only lifting roughly 65% of 1 RM across the board. So, I haven't beaten my CNS to hell and back. I suspect that as I get closer to the meet that this will change. So, I'll be working on getting more quality sleep.

 At 42, I realize that recovery time is extremely important. Sadly, getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is apparently impossible for me. I am sure to wake at least twice through the night and lie in bed wondering why the hell I'm awake. So, I have been testing sleep aids to help me out. So, far without any significant change. I intend on trying out some melatonin to see if that has an effect. However, I suspect that my sleep is impaired greatly by my caffeine intake. I like coffee...a lot. Guaranteed to drink about a pot a day. I think though it may be important to control the "when" of my caffeine issues more so than the "how much".

At any rate, that's where I am this week. I don't know if anyone has been reading this, but I keep writing because I know there isn't a lot of material out there for people who have started this sport so late in life. I shall endeavour to keep writing, if for no other reason but to keep a written log of my journey. Then , at the very least, I'll have something to reference later. So that I know what worked and what didn't.
