So, this week I began a 10 week peak training schedule for an APF meet in December, my first. The program I have given myself is based on a program designed by champion power lifter Ed Coan. It is pretty much the same as Coan's, but with a few minor changes, mostly with the accessory work. The program has me lifting five days a week. I have added two days of running on top of that schedule. So, far this week I'm feeling better, stronger and more invigorated than I have in some time. I had mentioned in earlier blog posts that I have been exhausted and just constantly feeling run down. Well, this week I have upped my calorie intake to between 3000 and 3500 calories, depending on the training for the day. My macros are 40/40/20 (p/c/f). My body fat percentage is roughly 21%, which isn't terrible, but could obviously use improvement. As I mentioned earlier I haven't been feeling run down. I attribute this partly to the new diet regimen, but I'm sure it as a lot to do ...
Having never picked up a barbell before my 40th birthday, I don't always get the training right; or maybe I do, I don't really know. I have been reading and studying Rippatoe, Wendler, Simmons and so on. All of that is a ton of info and they have some really great programs. So, I'm told. I don't always follow the programs, but I try to understand what and why they do what they do. I don't think they address often enough the 40 year old guys and women who are, like me, just getting started. At any rate, I'm exhausted. I live on coffee and probably too many diet sodas, if 2 or 3 a week is too many. I try to eat well, but in my household it's just me that's trying to eat with training in mind. So, it's difficult sometimes between work and home and the million other things I do. Honestly, I do everything but paint. I write, I book shows for my band, I play shows for my band, I work at the local gym, I train newcomers at the local gym, I recently left a...