My name is Chris Meadows and I’m in my 40s, 42 actually, and I’m a powerlifter. I have been searching for information on newcomers to the sport at my age. There isn’t much. The little that does exist is from powerlifters who transitioned from bodybuilding, crossfit or some other sport. I’ve never touched a barbell previous to this journey. So, I suppose to help others who might be getting into this sport at this age, I’ll write this blog.
I don’t mean to say that I’ve never done any physical activity in my life. On the contrary, I was in the Marine Corps for 4 years. We ran a lot, did O-courses and all the other shit that Marines go through when we aren’t blowing shit up. However, after being honorably discharged my physicality diminished. That’s to say, basically there was no more.
As you might expect, I gained weight. I smoked like a freight train. My knees cracked and creaked and I became out of breath going up the 3 steps to my front door. I was a mess. Hell, even making love to my wife was a laborious experience leaving me feeling as if my heart might explode from my chest. It was bad. One day I was standing in front of the clothing rack looking at the 1XL shirts and they were getting tight around the middle, so I was moving toward 2XL shirts. It was in that moment that I realized how ridiculous my situation had become. It took a few months to get the motivation, but I started a new healthy lifestyle.
As you might have guessed, like most people I went immediately into cardio. I couldn’t run though. My knees were pretty achy and I was certain that any further stress on them might put me in a hospital. So, in the spring I started bicycling. I rode on average 20+ miles a day. I lost weight. I got down to 195lbs at my lightest. Later, in the ear I started lifting. I was doing the usual “new guy” thing and hit all the cable machines in the gym about 3 times a week. I joined a kickboxing class and really ramped up my weight loss. Things were going well, but some of my friends were lifting. I was curious as to what they were doing so I started a simple 5x5 strength training some time in the fall. That was a year ago. I did my first charity push/pull in May. Pressed 265lbs and pulled 420 bs.
I’ve been busy this summer. New job, at a gym, no less and I got a personal training certification. I am going to be training for a APF meet coming up this winter. I’ve kept up with the 5x5 training and added a few pounds here and there. I’ve realized that it has limitations and I didn’t include any dynamic training. I have lots to do before December. I am designing my own program. It will be pretty basic and I will try to get better every week. I haven’t the slightest idea where this journey might go. All I know is that I enjoy lifting heavy things and hopefully I’ll have fun at my first official meet. Currently my 1RM for squat is 415lbs, bench 275 lbs and deadlift is stuck at 435lbs. I’m hoping to get those numbers up to a 1215 total. I’ll let you know how that goes.